Advice from a New Writer to New Writers

Advice from a New Writer to New Writers

Hi Hunny Bunnies,
I'm just checking in to see how you ladies are doing. I have started working on Cian. Let's just say I am both afraid and excited about this book.
I spoke to a young writer yesterday and I listened to her anxieties, joys, and fears. I wanna say something. Before I say it, please note I am new also and I just started.
Here are some of the lessons I learned over the last 4 years:
  1. Every writer had only one book in their portfolio. They weren't always popular. They even have had a bad book. Every writer has to start at book 1. So write your book.
  2. Not everyone who is smiling at you is your friend. Sis listen continue to humble. Be respectful to all, but set boundaries to protect your peace.
  3. Reviews hurt but don't let them keep you down. Sometimes you can learn from a review. Then you learn that some people are mean and need Jesus. Ignore, grow, and move on. (I just learned this after releasing The Family Man).
  4. Not everybody has to know your book ideas (especially other writers). Unless they are your close friends girl shhhh.
  5. Have respect for other writers. Here is the truth writing is not for the faint of heart. This takes time, blood, sweat, and tears. Everyone who puts a book out worked for that book. You may not like the book but show respect to the author.
  6. Depression is a real side effect of writing. I know because I suffer from depression. It kicks my ass constantly but to fight it I write, sing, exercise, and play
  7. Move your helps.  
  8. Know your brand as a writer. Like what should people think of when they hear your name.
  9. Believe in your work. God this one. I was told that Rhet was trash. That I should dump the book and start over. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. However, hold on to yours.
  10. Marketing plays a big part in writing. I am still finding my balance in marketing. However this year I plan to take it more seriously.
  11. Your fans are your people. Show love to the people who love your book. Trust me when I say in times of despair your people and community will gather around you and offer you strength.
  12. You will have haters. They may hear rumors about you or one-sided stories. Pray for their peace and send them back to where they came from. Haters are undercover fans.
  13. Fear of the unknown is the killer of dreams. F@$k fear. WRITE YOUR BOOK.
  14. Enjoy the journey of each book.  
  16. I am not afraid to help. No, I am not giving away my lil KT things that I develop for myself. But if I am not afraid to say "I can help".
  17. Editing is everything. I am learning my lesson.
  18. You have an audience for your book.
  19. Be your own competition.
  20. Be genuine when you applaud other people's success.
Bonus - Be yourself and stay true to yourself
Hope that helps. 
Till Next Time
WAIT! Have you read The Family Man? No? Well click the link below and enjoy.
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Thank you for this.

Tomeka L Gross

💜💜thank you!

Deja Smith

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